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Full Service Veterinary Cardiology Service in Central Texas

How It Works

Appointments with Communication by Cardiology


Patients are dropped off for the cardiology work up. Communication with Dr. Bordelon is by phone on the day of the appointment 


These appointments are seen at Heart of Texas Veterinary Specialty Center in Round Rock on Mondays and Tuesdays each week


To schedule an appointment please contact Heart of Texas Veterinary Specialty Center 



Appointments​​ at Your Pet's Primary Care Veterinarian's Office


These appointments are scheduled through your pet's primary care Veterinarian's office. 


​Dr. Bordelon will perform a cardiac examination and appropriate cardiac diagnostics to determine what is going on with your pet's heart.


The diagnosis and treatment plan will be discussed with your primary care veterinarian and they will then discuss the findings with you.​

Treatment and Follow-up


You will receive a detailed written report via email after your pet's appointment which will outline the diagnosis, monitoring and treatment plan.


Recommendations for follow-up testing will be made by TVC and carried out by either your primary care veterinarian or Texas Veterinary Cardiology. Our goal is to work together to keep your pet feeling as well as possible for as long as possible.

About Us

Dr. Sara Beth Bordelon, DVM, MS, DACVIM (Cardiology)


Dr. Sara Beth Bordelon obtained her DVM degree from Louisiana State University in 2005. She went on to complete a rotating internship at Advanced Veterinary Care Center in Los Angeles, CA and a three year Cardiology residency program at Washington State University. She obtained diplomate status in the ACVIM College of Internal Medicine (Cardiology) upon completion of her residency in 2009. Dr. Bordelon has previously worked in both private practice and academic settings, and enjoys all aspects of cardiology, but has a passion for the management of feline heart disease, prevention of thromboembolism, diagnosis and management of pulmonary hypertension and diagnosis and treatment of arrhythmias. Dr. Bordelon and her family moved to the Austin area in 2018 and have loved getting to know the city and all that makes Austin unique. Dr. Bordelon started Texas Veterinary Cardiology with the hopes of bringing high quality, compassionate cardiac care to more patients in Texas. When not at work Dr. Bordelon enjoys spending time with her husband and two boys, reading, doing yoga and hiking the many beautiful nature trails in Texas.  

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